Drive Green Ottawa 2020

Is it time to go zero emissions?

Electrification is a key part of Canada’s path to a low-carbon future. Let’s get Ottawa on board!

Drive Green Ottawa is a celebration of Zero Emissions Vehicles (ZEVs). The week-long event, ran from September 28th – October 2nd 2020, and demystified ZEVs through a series of events and activities that highlighted electric options, opportunities, how to purchase, incentives, charging options and more.

Looking for something fun to do with your friends and family? Download our Drive Green Bingo Sheet in English or French that you can fill out electronically! Have a look around your neighbourhood and see how many squares you can fill!

By EnviroCentre, in partnership with the City of Ottawa and with special thanks to Hydro Ottawa.

Events included:

What Is It Like To Own a ZEV?

Recorded on Sep 28, 2020, 2:00PM

Presentation by Raymond Leury, President of the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa (EVCO), sharing what it is like to adapt to a ZEV and charging up rather than fuelling up. He will cover some common myths and the reality of owning a ZEV in Ottawa. Hint: they work in the winter!

ZEV Drive-By Demo

Recorded on Sep 28, 2020, 6:00PM

EnviroCentre and EVCO are creating this peek into the no-so-distant future with a Drive-By Demo! 25 personal vehicles will be hitting the streets of Ottawa to surprise residents with a clean and quiet drive-by demo.

How is Ottawa Moving to a Low-Carbon Future?

Recorded on Sep 29, 2020, 2:00PM

Presentation by Mike Fletcher, Project Manager, Building Engineering and Energy Management, as he talks about the City of Ottawa’s Energy Evolution Plan and the work that will support the shift to a Zero Emission Transportation norm.

Ask An EV Expert

Recorded on Sep 30, 2020, 11:30AM

This week’s Green Room is with EV expert, Raymond Leury! Raymond is the President of the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa, and will be answering questions about electric vehicles.

Understanding your EV Charging Needs

Recorded on Sep 30, 2020, 2:00PM

Jim Pegg, Director, Infrastructure Product and Services for Envari Energy Solutions Inc. will talk about residential, business, public, and fleet charging systems. This conversation is sure to spark interest!

Making ZEVs Mainstream

Recorded on Oct 01, 2020, 2:00PM

The Carbon 613 Virtual Speaker Series brings together innovators and leaders in the Green Business sector. 

On October 1st, Cara Clairman, CEO of Plug’n Drive, will share invaluable insights into EVs and how they are good for green business.

The federal government and ZEVs

Recorded on Oct 02, 2020, 2:00PM

Presentation by Debbie Scharf, Director General of the Clean Fuels Branch at Natural Resources Canada, highlighting current and upcoming federal programs, rebates, and initiatives to get you rolling!