Our 2021 Annual Report is out! And while annual reports don’t (usually) make for the most entertaining read, we hope you’ll take a few moments to look through ours to learn more about how the work we do impacts our community today, and hopefully tomorrow.
In 2021, EnviroCentre’s focus moved to building the partnerships and joint initiatives required to get things done, avoid wasted resources, and move climate action initiatives to scale in the near future.
Our work continues to prioritize EnviroCentre’s traditional approach, starting with practical action, here and now, but also looking for projects that can grow into wide-scale, inclusive initiatives with major impact across the region and beyond.
With this in mind, in 2021, EnviroCentre
brought climate solutions to your
doorsteps and driveways.
Highlights from 2021 Include …
Working in communities to:
- Improve waste diversion through a pilot a high-rise organics and waste diversion program in partnership with Ottawa Community Housing
- Help low-income households in Eastern Ontario reduce GHG emissions while saving money on bills through energy-saving electricity measures
- Reduce water run-off and improve stormwater management on private properties by developing and delivering Rain Ready Ottawa for the City of Ottawa
- Support deep energy retrofits through the Better Homes Ottawa website and by working with the City of Ottawa on the Better Homes Ottawa Loan Program
- Encourage active transportation to and from school by creating a fun and engaging app for families called Hop!
Working with partners to:
- Develop a collaborative approach to promote electric vehicle uptake and test drives
- Improve the conversation and practice of inclusion in local climate action through an initiative led by the Ottawa Climate Action Fund and Ecology Ottawa called the Climate Equity Group
- Learn and share knowledge by participating in more than 15 consultative and collaborative groups in the region on all kinds of environmental topics
We are also very proud that we were the first funded partner of the newly formed Ottawa Climate Action Fund. The project that was supported was Future Homes Ottawa, Ottawa’s first residential retrofit pilot program.
EnviroCentre’s responsibility to our community is to support and deliver practical climate action initiatives that catalyze and achieve measurable emissions reductions and environmental improvements. We are looking forward to another year of making this happen in Ottawa.