There are lots of ways to be green in our homes, and one of the easiest is to use yesterday’s news to line your green bin.
That’s right — you can use those forgotten newspapers to create a fully recyclable and planet-friendly alternative to plastic bin-liners.
- Each year, it’s estimated that 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide.
- On average, we only recycle one plastic bag in every 200 we use.
- You’re already doing a great job composting — might as well take your impact a step further with this easy tutorial!
- Old newspaper
- Green bin
- Gather together some old newspapers — the bigger the better!
- Take two sheets and open them up fully on a flat surface
- Fold them corner to corner, and run your hand along the fold
- Take one corner and fold it, so the tip of one paper meets halfway along the other paper’s edge
- Fold the remaining corner, and then fold it again to other side
- Flatten all folds, and fold two of the flaps back
- Turn over, and fold back last two flaps
- Open to see the pocket you’ve made, and pop it in your green bin!