Proud Recipients of the Bilingual Ottawa Grant Program

EnviroCentre is proud to continue its commitment to bilingualism thanks to the support of ACFO

EnviroCentre is very pleased to announce that we are the recipients of a Bilingual Ottawa Project grant, through the support of the Association des communautés francophones d’Ottawa (ACFO) and the Government of Canada. 

Thanks to this grant we have been able to provide key programs and services in French including our program to support businesses in taking action on climate, Ottawa Green Business and several courses on our My Green Lifestyle online learning platform. We were also able to translate our 2020 Annual Reports for EnviroCentre (read it here) and Ottawa Green Business (read it here).

Finally, we are very grateful for this grant that has allowed us to build partnerships with Francophone organizations, in particular the network of Francophone Environmental Organizations, Réseau Francophone des Organisations Environnementales de la Capitale Nationale.

“This grant has been instrumental in enabling EnviroCentre’s commitment to providing resources and services in French to our francophone customers, clients, and followers. We look forward to further enhancing and strengthening our partnership with the French-language community in the year ahead.” Sharon Coward – Executive Director, EnviroCentre